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a while back clockworkpi released a small handheld computer called the devterm. i originally bought it for the inclusion with my eurorack synthesizer, hoping to potentially use it as a small and quick way to add orca. if you haven’t used orca before, check out my project icon representing the epistemic certainty of the linked pagelearn-orca too. in particular, i was interested in a compact screen and keyboard combo, which fits the bill for the devterm. i also thought it might be an interesting computer to bring to certain situations, where i don’t necessarily need the entirety of a full laptop/computer to accomplish some task. it is really small and light! i have a feeling that i will mostly end up just tinkering with it as a way of learning more, and maybe playing some video games.

upon receiving it though, i realized i would need to customize it a little to feel comfortable using it. below are some various notes on getting it setup and making it useful for myself. there is also a wiki with some useful information.

hardware switch for gamepad buttons

one thing that took me a little bit to figure out was switching this hardware switch while assembling it to enable the gamepad buttons and d-pad style arrows to work as key signals (instead of whatever they were sending before). i ended up learning this via the forum - see here for a nice picture. this allows the gamepad buttons to send the following keys:

xfce updating

installing retroarch

resources / references

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