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pastel rainbow stripes

cowichan valley 8

originally we were planning to do this on labor day weekend. we recently found out however that if you are camping in BC parks, many campgrounds have additional restrictions for long weekends. the one that got in particular, is that you have to reserve each campsite for a minimum number of nights, which didn’t work for our plans. we called the park folks and they gave us some helpful information, but also sort of lead us astray unfortunately - make sure you read the fine print on the campsite websites as well.


The weather on Vancouver Island seems pretty temprate around this time of year. Historically, the lows are in the 50’s and the highs are in the 70’s. Generally august-september have 7-10 days worth of rain, so there is a reasonable chance it might rain on us, but if that is case, we’ll just make the best of it.

day 1 - victoria - travel day

from portland

from vancouver


day 2

day 3

day 4

day 5

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