there is something special about making enumerations. collected here are a few of my own. none of them are complete.
the infinity of lists
we like lists because we dont want to die
— umberto eco
to include, to exclude.
- descriptive lists - limited by the form of the thing itself
- catalogue lists - unlimited by form; an attempt to capture the infiniteness, indefiniteness of reality
- visual lists - picture galleries as realizations of the concept of “etcetera”
- ineffeable list - an attempt to describe the indescribable (e.g. apocalypse 7.9)
- lists of things - ineffable obssesive collections of objects
- lists of places - ineffable descriptions of place, to situate in space in time
- the pragmatic list - finite, referential, concrete, temporal, immutable
- the poetic list - phonetic
- lists of properties - essential properities (ones it must have) and accidental properties (ones it has, but could lack)
- the non-normal list - a (recursive) list that includes itself (i.e. think of russel’s paradox)
lists as creators of form.
lists as the driver of climax.
lists as a way to reshuffle the world.
- enumeratio - a form of “argumentation, in which all the possibilities are set out and all but one are eliminated.” figure of amplification in which a subject is divided into constituent parts or details, and may include a listing of causes, effects, problems, solutions, conditions, and consequences; the listing or detailing of the parts of something.
lists as wonders
like merveilles.
- mirabilia - wonders, marvels (latin)
- wunderkammer - wonder-rooms (german)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Infinity_of_Lists
- http://marybethginsberg.me/the-infinity-of-lists/